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Perfect itinerary for 2 day sightseeing of Delhi

Perfect itinerary for 2 day sightseeing of Delhi

You can plan Delhi according to this itinerary below: 

Begin with Old Delhi and you go for exciting rickshaw ride Chandi Chowk in narrow street of Old Delhi. You will do the sightseeing of places like Kinari bazar – a wedding market where you will be able to see a visual kaleidoscope of colours. Next stop will be Jama Masjid (the biggest 400-year-old mosque in India). The Rickshaw will take you to the aromatic and really exotic spice market Khari Baoli and stop to take a picture of the Red Fort. Later on, visit the cremation place of Mahatma Gandhi Raj ghat. During Old Delhi sightseeing it is really worth trying Indian street food in Old Delhi such as: 

  • Dariba, Kinari Bazaar and Daryaganj to try Daulat ki Chaat,
  • near Bhai Mati Das Chowk at the turning to Chandni Chowk metro station to try  dahi bhalla and aloo tikki
  • Sitaram, bazaar, Lala Duli Chand Naresh Gupta  - for trying Kulfi
  • Lotan Chole Kulche Wala – Chole kulche

  • Shyam Sweets – Halwa Nagori
  • Jung Bahadur Kachori Wala – Kachori aloo and lassi
  • Shiv Misthan Bhandar – Bedmi poori
  • Paranthe Wali Gali – Stuffed paranthas

After that you can go sightseeing of a few important landmarks in New Delhi such as: India Gate and nearby Raj path where are situated The Parliament house and the Secretariat buildings. Next place which is absolutely must is a famous Sikh temple called Gurudwara Bangla Sahib where you can see stunning marble temple complex as well as the kitchen where food is prepared by hundreds of volunteers for the people in need in the name of idea of unity. Even 40 thousand people are fed every single day. At the end you can go to New Delhi centre Connaught place for a walk and maybe shopping to see the contrast between the Old and New part of the city. Overnight at the hotel.

The next - second day in Delhi you can plan accordingly: 

After breakfast go for further sightseeing of Delhi and see the places which are on UNESCO list such as:  Qutub Minar which is the world’s tallest brick minaret. Later on, explore Humayun tomb - the structure that inspired years of Mughal architectural innovations including Taj Mahal.

Then, visit the Lotus Temple in lotus flower shape, which is open to all, regardless of religion or any other qualification. After that, drive further along the Lodhi Road to reach Lodhi garden, a historical park dotted with many age-old structures like Bara Gumbad, Shisha Gumbad and tombs of Mohammed Shah and Sikandar Lodi. If you find time you can also go to see a famous Akshardham temple - a modern Hindu temple complex called Akshardham temple heralded by the Guinness World Record as the World’s Largest Comprehensive Hindu Temple, the complex was inaugurated on 6 November, 2005.

Entry admission is free in: 

Akshradham temple, (9.30 am - 6.30 am, Monday closed)

You must pay for the exhibitions

  •  170 per person for adults (Exhibition)
  •  100 per person for children (Exhibition)
  •  125 per person for senior citizens (Exhibition)
  •  80 per person for adults (Musical Fountain)
  •  50 per person for children (Musical Fountain)
  •  80 per person for senior citizens (Musical Fountain)

Lotus temple, (Monday closed) (open in summer 9 am - 7 pm, winter 9 am - 5.30 pm)


Operating Time: The gurudwara is open 24/7, each day of the year, including National holidays. Langar Hours: Only vegetarian food is served. Timings are tentatively from 9AM to 3PM & 7PM to 10PM. Visit Duration: there is no restriction on time-limit.

Raj ghat, (6 am - 6 pm, every day)

Lodhi gardens, 

 open on all days of the week from 6 A.M. to 7.30 P.M.

Raj Path and India Gate 

open every day

Jama Masjid (but you must pay a camera fee and if you have no clothes for covering arms and legs, also for that) Open every day 7 am - 12 pm, 1.30 pm - 6.30 pm

  •  0 No entry fee
  •  300 for Photography

Entry admission in: 

Red fort  (Monday closed)  (9.30 am - 4.30 pm, open every day except Monday)

  •  35 per person for Indians
  •  500 per person for Foreign Tourists
  •  25 for Video Camera
  •  80 per person for adults on weekends (Light & Sound show)
  •  30 per person for children on weekends (Light & Sound show)
  •  60 per person for adults on weekdays (Light & Sound show)
  •  20 per person for children on weekdays (Light & Sound show)

Qutub Minar  (7 am - 5 pm, every day)

  •  30 per person for Indians
  •  0 per child (below 15 Years)
  •  500 per person for Foreign Tourists
  •  25 for Still Camera (non-commercial use)
  •  25 for Video Camera (non-commercial use)

Humayun tomb (6 am - 6 pm, every day)

  •  30 per person for Indians
  •  500 per person for Foreign Tourists
  •  0 per person for Photography
  •  25 per person for Video filming

You can do the sightseeing by Delhi metro or local transport, but also you can use services of well known local travel agencies registered in Delhi, e.g. Paylesstoursinda http://www.paylesstoursindia.comwhich ensure that experience with exploring Delhi will be memorable and exciting by providing an English speaking driver/guide who will show the city in the best possible way. You can also ask for an English speaking guide who will provide you with the necessary information about the city and its culture.


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