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Goa in monsoon season. Is it worth visiting?

 Is Goa worth visiting during the monsoon season?

Many of you probably think of visiting Goa during the monsoon season and certainly have doubts about the idea of ​​visiting this place during this period.
What does the monsoon season in Goa look like? Here are some aspects that should be considered before travelling to the smallest state of India.

Monsoon season in Goa

The monsoon season in Goa begins in mid - June and lasts in theory until October. However, the most torrential days fall in June and July. From August in Goa you can observe a large number of sunny days with scattered showers, often during the day or at night, after which it gets sunny. If you want to come to Goa for a longer holiday you will certainly experience many sunny days, but you will also need to buy a raincoat if you do not want to spend all your holidays in the hotel rooms. On average, in June we have 22 rainy days, 27 rainy days in July and 13 rainy days in August, which makes July the wettest month of the year.

Beaches during the monsoon in Goa

Not all Goa beaches are so deserted and empty. There are several beaches that are still popular among tourists, especially from India, who do not mind rainfall. Popular beaches with a lively atmosphere are in the southern part: Palolem, Colva, Cavelossim, Benaulim, Agonda or in the north: Baga, Calangute, Candolim you can still enjoy the quite lively atmosphere of Goa

It should be remembered that the beaches during the monsoon season do not look as charming as during the tourist season, they are much narrower and the sea is rough, which may discourage from swimming. The monsoon on the other hand gives Goa beaches a specific character, due to the lack of tourists from Europe they look more nostalgic and calmer. You can sit on the beach listening to the sound of the sea watching the waves, fishermen, beautiful skies and nature. There are also no all those charming beach shacks, where tourists rest on the beach beds in the shade of umbrellas or bamboo huts, but on some beaches you can still find beach restaurants permanently open and overlooking the sea. In the center of the many popular towns there is no problem with finding bars and restaurants with delicious food.

Goa beaches in this period encourage to take long walks and do sports at sunset, rather than laze about on the beach beds. Sunbathing on a blanket will undoubtedly draw the attention of local people, but it is not prohibited.

Advantages of the monsoon season in Goa

Lower prices

The advantage of the monsoon season in Goa are lower prices, especially in popular SPA resorts or 5 * hotels. Prices of the flights from major Indian cities are among the lowest.

Beautiful and lush Goan green landscape

Another advantage is the beautiful green, which makes Goa look lush and blooming. Crops, especially rice fields, can be seen throughout the state. Rice cultivation in Goa takes 90 to 110 days (depending on the variety), 28 varieties of rice are grown in Goa.
You can rent a scooter and discover the state on your own by observing and taking pictures of flourishing nature and birds, or go trekking with a local guide. Some Goa waterfalls and nature sanctuaries look  most beautiful during this period. Dudhsagar Waterfall, India's second largest at this time, looks most spectacular. It is one of the highest waterfalls in India, rises on top of high Western Ghats and falls from the height of 600 meters.

As you know Goa, especially in the north is famous for its nightlife and clubs with Indian or trance music. There are several places where you can have fun and dance even in the rainy season. Clubs are mostly open on Saturdays, but usually you should check opening hours and events on the Internet. Clubs usually open during the monsoon season are at Baga beach such as Mambos, Cape Town cafe, at Vagator - Waters, and at Candolim - Sinq.

Observation of local customs and festivals in Goa

The monsoon season is also a great opportunity to observe the local people and tourists from India, who come to the state for a vacation or honeymoon. You can take part in festivals and events organized in Goa such as: Sao Joao festival - a Catholic festival celebrated in Goa in an unusual way, with people jumping and swimming in wells, streams and ponds as a tribute to St. To John the Baptist, celebrated on June 24 each year, Chikal kalo - a festival of mud baths or Patolleanchem - a festival of sweets Pattoleos in Goa or sweets made from jagger and rice steamed in turmeric. In addition, there are also regional Goa culture festivals. Before coming to the state, check when a given festival is celebrated.

In summary, if you are considering visiting Goa during the monsoon season, you can do so, but choose one of the  popular Goa beaches listed above and a month with more sunny days. i.e the beginning of June, August or September. Goa in the rainy season is also an interesting place an has a lot of to offer. You will take advantage of cheaper hotel rates and will certainly have a good time getting to know local people and their customs.


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