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Pushkar Rajasthan town with the spirit

the view from Savitri temple

Pushkar is one of the inconspicuous small towns in India known for its spirituality as a place of pilgrimages both for the Hindus and Sikhs. There are more than 500 temples dedicated to different gods and one of its kind Brahma temple which attracts thousands of devotees every day.  Pushkar is believed to be a holy town therefore it is prohibited to sell non veg dishes, drink alcohol, hug and kiss in public. Pushkar is also famous for annual Camel Festival fairs which take around October and November, this date is considered the best time to visit Pushkar, however apart from this Pushkar welcomes tourists all year round and has lots of things to offer, so when you plan to visit Rajasthan Pushkar should be included in your itinerary. 

Pushkar camel fairs

Pushkar means lotus flower, according to a very interesting legend the town was created from a lotus flower which was dropped by Brahma, the ancient lake Sarovar had appeared miraculously. In fact the lake in Pushkar can’t be missed and skipped when you visit the town. You can take a really beautiful pictures of the ghats which surround the lake as well as the picturesque hills.


What to expect in Pushkar:

There are a few exciting things you should do staying in Pushkar:

1.   Just walk in the town with a few stops for local sightseeing of some temples like: Gurudwara – Sikh temple which is called Gurudwara Sahib, Brahma temple which is said to be one like this in all India and would be recommended to visit. You can choose to visit Brahma temple in the evening to take part in an infamous evening arti. The next temple is Savitri temple at the hilltop as a part of the itinerary while you are in Pushkar. You can either walk there on foot or take a cable car which will take you straight to the top.

Why is there only one such an important Brahma temple in India? 

It is connected mainly with the the legend and curse which was  put on Brahma by his wife Savitri that he would be never worshiped in any other place except Pushkar.   She cursed him because when Savitri didn’t appear on time  Brahma had married another goddess – Gayatri in order to complete a vary important ritual called yajna. The other reason for less popularity of Brahma is the fact that a is God of birth and creation which Hindu people already have, so they don't need him anymore. They prefer to please other gods for  different needs, so other gods are their favourite. Competition of supremacy of favourite God started degrade Brahma most, compared to others, so Brahma became less popular. Although, he is less popular, people who worship him from ancient times  get his blessings.

2.   One of the biggest attractions of Pushkar is spontenues local sightseeing on your own connected with shopping. There are numerous of colourful stalls with handicrafts, clothes, jewellery and souvenirs. Next top them, there are lovely restaurants or rooftop bars with the lake view with holiday  atmosphere and bars, stalls where you can order a vegetarian meal. Remember that buying meat or alcohol in most of the places is prohibited. However, in some places you can try famous bhang lassi or ask for beer which is sold under the counter. I recommend such restaurants like Raju Terrace garden restaurant or the Laughing Buddha cafe.

Bhang lassi

local stalls

Don’t forget to take a stroll to the lake where you can admire a beautiful sunset. Pushkar city houses 52 Bathing Ghats (bathing places). The sacred Pushkar Lake is also believed to have great healing and purifying powers. A Hindu pilgrimage tour is often considered incomplete without a holy dip from any of the various Bathing Ghats in Pushkar. A dip in its holy waters during the eve of Kartik Poornima (during Camel fairs)is regarded auspicious. Just spend your evening at the Pushkar ghats listening the music coming from different directions – cafes and temples being played by many accidental musicians just close by you. Observe how the lake changes its colours  from blue, red and finally black.

Pushkar lake

4.   Another thing which shouldn’t be skipped is an evening Aarti ceremony called Varag ghat.( in summer is usually at 7 pm, in winter at around 6 pm) During this ceremony one can hear chanting, ringing bells and smell incense sticks and roses. You will be brought to another world and feel a real spirit of the town admiring the beauty of the dazzling evening at Pushkar lake.

5.   If you have more time, you can stay a bit longer in Pushkar and enjoy activities like bicycle ride, horse ride, hot air balloon or even camel ride. One of the popular attractions in Pushkar is spending one night on the desert at the desert camp connected with a dance show and a camel ride called a Camel safari. During such an attraction you can learn something about life of the local people, spend a nice time and enjoy beautiful desert view. 

6.   If you come to Pushkar in around October or November, you can try to be here to see a famous and annual Camel Pushkar Fair which involves buying and selling of livestock. All the camels are cleaned, shaved and decorated to be able to take part in on of the beauty or sport competitions. There are also local competitions of people and animals such as the longest moustache competition. You can see lots of dancers, musicians and magician trying to show their skills. and  During this amazing festival especially during the the full moon night of Hindu Kartik month thousands of devotees arrive in Pushkar to take a dip in the water of holy Pushkar lake. The atmosphere of this place during this night is just amazing and unforgettable. It is worth spending a night on the desert camp and sleep under the open sky which is one of the tourist attractions during Pushkar fairs connected with folk music shows and tasting traditional food.


Camel fairs

 To sum up, if you are in India and plan to visit some important and interesting places Pushkar should be definitely in your bucket list. Just reserve some decent accommodation for 1 or 2 nights according to your budget best in one of the heritage properties somewhere in the nature area close by the city centre and enjoy the unique Pushkar town attractions connecting it with local sightseeing. You will rest from the noise and traffic of India and rest for a while before you set off to the next Indian destination. 


hotel Master paradise




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